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Mother Daughter Team Invest In a Smart Semi Absentee Pet Franchise With High Average Revenue!

We are thrilled to announce that our client Kristi and her daughter have invested in a home based dog services franchise that can be run semi absentee and features:

  • Semi-Absentee Opportunity: Franchise Owners can run the business semi-absentee, focusing their efforts on scaling and overseeing high-level operations.

  • High Revenues: Average franchise gross revenues were $786,059, and the top performing franchise owner brought in $1,484,943!

  • Home-Based: Because there is no buildout, Owners have the ability to get their business up and running in as little as 4-6 weeks from signing their agreement. Additionally, no lease is required and employees are minimal, resulting in very attractive margins and next to no overhead.

  • Few Clients Required: With the cost of this franchises most popular package at $1,800, Owners only need to add 2- 4 new clients each week to be profitable.

  • Increasing Demand in a Recession Resistant Industry: Pet adoptions skyrocketed with the onset of COVID-19, increasing by 110% in 2020. The demand for services has never been greater!

  • Scalable: 80% of this franchise's owners own multiple territories.

As you can see from the above points, this is a real opportunity for Kristi and her daughter to build a great family business, together, doing well by doing good.

Thanks for letting us be a part of your franchise search guys!

And thanks to Dog Training Elite for taking fabulous care of our great clients!

Your partners in franchise wealth building success...

Jack and Jill

The Franchise Insiders

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